
Are you interested in the Sirius NeoSight solution and still have questions?
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Are you interested in the Sirius NeoSight solution and still have questions?
Would you like to invest in the project or become a partner?
Don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Winner of the PRTK’s call for clinical projects

We are delighted to announce that the LIGHT-CTC project is the winner of the AAP PRT-K 2024 supported by the Institut National du Cancer (INCa) and the DGOS.

The project will draw on the scientific and medical expertise of the CRCL Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon and the Centre Léon Bérard, internationally recognized for their excellence in cancer research and care.

Soft tissue sarcomas are rare cancers that unfortunately often affect adolescents and young adults. These diseases are highly heterogeneous and remain difficult to treat at the metastatic stage. By using circulating tumor cells in the blood and an innovative isolation technology developed in partnership with Sirius Neosight, we aim to better tailor effective therapeutic strategies for individual patients.
The project will be supported by the innovative startup Sirius NeoSight (CEO: Agnès Bastid), based at CLB and a pioneer in cutting-edge CTC isolation and development techniques.

Every day, Sirius NeoSight is committed to providing cutting-edge solutions for cancer patients.

Find out more about the projects supported by INCa as part of the PRTK-2024 AAP